Foghat is a band. In 2023, Foghat turned 52 years old. In November, they will release a new album titled Sonic Mojo. They are still out on the road, traveling across the land and bringing their infectious boogie to packed houses full of adoring fans nearly every night. A Foghat concert is every bit as much fun and intense in 2023 as it was in 1977 when their classic multi-platinum album, Foghat Live broke them around the world. Looking back, it’s only fitting that it was a live album that made Foghat a household name. The band wouldn’t have it any other way. Hear favorites like “Slow Ride” “Fool for the City” “I Just Want to Make Love to You” “Third Time Lucky” “Drivin’ Wheel”, “Stone Blue” “Honey Hush” “Home in My Hand” “Road Fever”, and “Terraplane Blues” LIVE in concert!